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Our Partners


There are a number of organisations in the Hunter region that partner us at Zara’s House and provide advocacy and services for refugees including: Northern Settlement Services (NSS), Development and Relief Agency (DARA), St Vincent de Paul (StVdP), Max Solutions, Survivors of Trauma and Torture Services (STARTTS), Technical and Further Education (TAFE), Settlement Services International (SSI), Refugee Action Network Newcastle (RANN), Amnesty International, Grandmothers against the Detention of Refugee Children (GADRC), Welcome to Australia. Information about these groups is available on the Internet or on Facebook.


Zara’s House is different from these. 


Zara’s House is a drop-in centre that offers friendship and English conversation and some practical assistance from time to time with clothing and household goods.


It is a safe space for women and their children to congregate.


No appointments needed.

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